JSON Formatter

Format and beautify your JSON data

Format new data

About JSON formatter tool

A few things about the JSON formatter tool

The Json Formatter is a free tool for everyone to upload or submit unformatted JSON data and convert them into a beautiful node-styled format. This can help developers, marketers, engineers, or anyone to easily debug their JSON data.

A Technical Treatise On JSON

When you are working with websites and technology, you will often come across the term JSON. What does that mean and how does it work, though?. In this article, we will explain what JSON is and how it works.

What Is JSON?

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a lightweight, text-based way of representing data interchange between applications. It is widely used by web services and in the mobile industry because it is easy to read and write. It is easy to parse, which means it is easy for computers to understand the meaning of data in the file.

JSON was inspired by JavaScript, but it can be used with any programming language. In general JSON is a subset of JavaScript that is used to represent structured data. For example, you can use it to serialize objects in your app or store them somewhere else so that they are accessible at runtime.

When Firstly Created- JSON History

JSON was created in 2001 by Douglas Crockford. He was attempting to develop a platform-agnostic data interchange format, and JSON was the result. It was originally called JavaScript Object Notation, but it was later shortened to JSON.

JSON Standards

As you may know, JSON is a standard format for data exchange. It has 6 main types - object, array, boolean, string, number or null. The JSON object data types can be sets of key-pair values inserted between "{} (curly braces). The keys must be unique strings (unique among other keys on current's nesting level) separated by comma (,). As values can be one the available data types (object, array, string, number, boolean, null).

Arrays also have different behaviors depending on their order within the array: The order does not matter when comparing two objects or arrays. For example, you can set one array to equal another by putting them side by side in your code (e.g., if("element" in array).array[1] then "element" equals "element"). However, if you want to compare two arrays using the same ordering criteria (e.g., if("arrayA" > = "arrayB"), then both must be sorted by their keys), they may not match correctly unless there is some sort of overlap between them (e.g., elements within one particular position). The order does matter when comparing two objects because if one contains references inside itself while another does not then only those references will remain valid after any updates have been made within either instance - even though nothing else has changed except for their internal structure! A key-value pair is separated by : and ,. The key is a string, while the value can be any valid JSON value. Each key-value pair gets mapped to an item in the object by using the same name as its corresponding value. This mapping can also be reversed if needed using curly braces: "{key":"value"} .

JSON Syntax

JSON Syntax is straightforward. Every JSON value is represented as either a string, a number, an object, an array, or a boolean. Strings are enclosed in quotation marks, numbers use decimal points, and objects and arrays are represented by curly and square brackets respectively. Booleans are written as true or false. JSON strings are enclosed in double quotes. Here is an example:

        "name":"John Doe",

JSON Objects

A group of key-value pairs make up a JSON object. The keys are strings, and the values can be any type of data, including other objects and arrays. This makes JSON a very versatile data format, as it can be used to represent complex data structures. JSON objects are enclosed in curly braces. Here is a JSON object illustration:

  "name": "John",
  "age": 32

This object has two properties: "name" and "age". The property "name" has the string value "John", and the property "age" has the numeric value "32".

JSON Arrays

JSON arrays are an easy way to store multiple values in a single variable. To create a JSON array, you simply enclose the values you want to store in square brackets [ ] . Here is an example:

      [ "apple", "orange", "banana" ]

Comparison Of JSON With Other Data Serialization Formats

JSON is a simple data serialization format that is widely used in web applications and it has gained popularity because of its simplicity and flexibility. However, JSON is not the only data serialization format available. Other formats, such as XML and BSON, offer more features than JSON does. XML is more complex than JSON but offers greater flexibility, while BSON is more lightweight than XML but lacks some of its features.


JSON is similar to XML, but there are some important differences. JSON is less verbose than XML, and it does not use tags or end tags. JSON also does not have a built-in validation mechanism, whereas XML includes a schema that can be used to validate documents.


Let's take a look at JSON vs. YAML. Both formats are used for data serialization, but they have some key differences. JSON is a more compact format than YAML, making it a better choice for data transmission over the internet. It is also slightly more efficient to parse, meaning that it takes less time and CPU power to convert JSON into a usable format. YAML, on the other hand, is more human-readable than JSON. This makes it a better choice for situations where the data will be read by people rather than machines. It is also less forgiving than JSON, meaning that it is more likely to produce errors if the data is not formatted correctly.


JSON is more compact than BSON, which can be used to store data structures like graphs and trees. JSON is also less verbose than BSON, making it easier to read and write code with. JSON's popularity has led many developers who previously used BSON for storing their structured data into switching over exclusively using JSON instead because of its simplicity .


CBOR is a binary format, and it is much more compact than JSON. It also has a smaller file size than JSON and can be processed more quickly by the CPU. However, CBOR does have some disadvantages compared to JSON: It is not as secure as JSON (in fact, no data format is).


JSON is a great language to learn because it is easy to read, understand, and write. It can be used in many different applications and is perfect for sending data across the internet.