To add SCSS support to your NPM project, you can follow these steps:

Install the node-sass package using npm:

npm install node-sass --save-dev

Create an SCSS file in your project directory, for example styles.scss.

In your project's package.json file, add the following lines to the "scripts" section:

"scripts": {
   "scss": "node-sass --watch styles.scss styles.css"

This sets up a script called scss that watches for changes to your styles.scss file and compiles it to styles.css.

Run the script by entering the following command in your terminal:

npm run scss

This will start the node-sass watcher and compile your SCSS file to CSS whenever changes are made.

Link the generated CSS file in your HTML or other project files.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">

With these steps, you should now have SCSS support in your NPM project.