In Laravel, you can validate nested objects requests using the dot notation to access the nested fields. Here's an example of how to validate a nested object request:

Let's say we have a request that contains an array of user information, each user has a nested object with a name and email field. We want to validate that all users have a name and email field that is required and must be valid email addresses.

First, create a new request class using the artisan command:

php artisan make:request CreateUserRequest

Then, open the CreateUserRequest class and add the following rules method

In the rules method, we're using the * wildcard to specify that these rules apply to all elements in the users array. Then we're using the dot notation to access the nested name and email fields.

Now, in your controller, you can use the new request to validate the incoming request (example at Controller.php)

If the request fails validation, Laravel will automatically redirect back to the previous page with the errors. You can display the errors using the $errors variable in your view.

That's it! You've successfully validated a nested object request in Laravel.